Answering Questions > Common ThomsonNOW Question Types

Common ThomsonNOW Question Types

ThomsonNOW features over 60 kinds of interactive questions to assess your knowledge of the material. Here is a brief introduction to the most common question types and how they work.

Note: Remember to click Submit when you are done with a particular question or step.

True / False

Click the button for the correct answer.

Multiple Choice

Click a button or a check box to select the correct answer from a list.


Match the appropriate items in each column by clicking them in sequence or dragging a line between them. You may see one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many matchups. If a problem has many items, you may need to scroll up or down to see them all.

Fill in the Blank

Type your answer in the small text field.


Type your answer in the text field. Use the formatting tools as needed.

Drag and Drop

Answer by dragging the graphic elements of each question to the positions where they give the best answer.

Free Response Math

Type in your answer, using the math Equation Editor toolbar to format your answer in the correct syntax. See Using the Equation Editor for more information.


Click on a specific part of an image.


Fill in the blanks on the spreadsheet with the correct responses.

Foreign Language

Type your answer in the small text field. Use the toolbar to enter any special characters.

Simple Table

Fill in all the blank cells in a table by typing the appropriate responses.


Use the graphing toolbar to plot lines and areas onscreen. The toolbar has pop-up help for each function.

Free Form Drawing

Use the drawing toolbar to draw your answer. In addition to the drawing toolbar, you may see special palettes for mechanics, electronics, and chemistry symbols.


Choose the correct answer from the drop-down list.


Combination problems combine several different problem types. They are often used to assess the steps you take in solving a problem, with step-by-step instructions. Click Submit for each step as you finish.

