Step 1. Register

To set up your iLrn Spanish account:

  1. Go to

  2. Click Register.

  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to choose your institution, choose a password, and to enroll in your course. Remember to write down your username and password.

To access your account at a later date:

  1. Go to

  2. Log in using the email address and password you created earlier.

Step 2. Enroll in your instructor’s course

In this step, you will activate your iLrn Spanish course by entering an access code. (If you have already activated your course during a previous term, then you don't need an access code.)

If you already have an access code:
If an access code came packaged with your textbook or if you purchased an access code separately, you will have an opportunity to activate your course by entering your access code upon completion of the registration process (step 1 above).

To add additional books to your account, enter the access code in the field labeled

Enter Course Access Code.

If you already have an active course in your account from a previous term:

1. Go to
2. Log in

3. Find the book with which you wish to re-enroll and click Enroll.
4. Select your instructor’s course from the list provided using the information supplied above.

You are now enrolled in your instructor's course. If you have any questions about these directions or about any other topic, please contact Thomson Technical Support.

Phone: (800) 423-0563


OR: Visit our customer support website at